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  最近,约翰霍普金斯大学Sidney Kimmel综合癌症研究中心研究人员带领的一项研究表明,如果前列腺癌患者的肿瘤含有一种称为AR-V7的蛋白质——可在血液中检测到,那么他们在经过两种广泛使用的转移性前列腺癌药物治疗后,很可能没有疗效。

  研究人员称,如果这些结果能够通过大规模研究而得以验证,那么,假如一位前列腺癌患者具有可检测到的ARV7血液水平,他就应该避免使用这两种药物,而是采取其他药物治疗。相关研究结果发表在2014年9月3日的《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)。


  约翰霍普金斯大学肿瘤学助理教授Emmanuel Antonarakis博士称,恩杂鲁胺和阿比特龙能非常成功地延长约80%的前列腺癌患者的生命,但是这两种药物在其余20%的前列腺患者中并不起作用。



  Antonarakis及其同事Jun Luo博士——他在2008年第一次发现了AR-V7,还跟踪了患者的无进展生存期(指开始对肿瘤进行治疗到肿瘤出现继发性生长的时间跨度)和总体存活率。他们发现,在接受恩杂鲁胺治疗的患者中,AR-V7阳性患者的无进展生存期为2.1个月,而AR-V7阴性患者为6.1个月,而总体存活率在AR-V7阳性和阴性的患者当中分别为5.5个月和9个月。同样,在接受阿比特龙治疗的患者中,AR-V7阳性和阴性的患者无进展生存期分别为2.3个月和6个月,整体存活率分别为10.6个月和12个月。研究人员警告说,研究中的大多数患者都是肿瘤晚期,先前接受了多种治疗,所以他们的预后结果可能并不能概括所有的前列腺患者。



AR-V7 and Resistance to Enzalutamide and Abiraterone in Prostate Cancer



 The androgen-receptor isoform encoded by splice variant 7 lacks the ligand-binding domain, which is the target of enzalutamide and abiraterone, but remains constitutively active as a transcription factor. We hypothesized that detection of androgen-receptor splice variant 7 messenger RNA (AR-V7) in circulating tumor cells from men with advanced prostate cancer would be associated with resistance to enzalutamide and abiraterone.


We used a quantitative reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction assay to evaluate AR-V7 in circulating tumor cells from prospectively enrolled patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer who were initiating treatment with either enzalutamide or abiraterone. We examined associations between AR-V7 status (positive vs. negative) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) response rates (the primary end point), freedom from PSA progression (PSA progression–free survival), clinical or radiographic progression–free survival, and overall survival.


A total of 31 enzalutamide-treated patients and 31 abiraterone-treated patients were enrolled, of whom 39% and 19%, respectively, had detectable AR-V7 in circulating tumor cells. Among men receiving enzalutamide, AR-V7–positive patients had lower PSA response rates than AR-V7–negative patients (0% vs. 53%, P=0.004) and shorter PSA progression–free survival (median, 1.4 months vs. 6.0 months; P<0.001), clinical or radiographic progression–free survival (median, 2.1 months vs. 6.1 months; P<0.001), and overall survival (median, 5.5 months vs. not reached; P=0.002). Similarly, among men receiving abiraterone, AR-V7–positive patients had lower PSA response rates than AR-V7–negative patients (0% vs. 68%, P=0.004) and shorter PSA progression–free survival (median, 1.3 months vs. not reached; P<0.001), clinical or radiographic progression–free survival (median, 2.3 months vs. not reached; P<0.001), and overall survival (median, 10.6 months vs. not reached, P=0.006). The association between AR-V7 detection and therapeutic resistance was maintained after adjustment for expression of full-length androgen receptor messenger RNA.


Detection of AR-V7 in circulating tumor cells from patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer may be associated with resistance to enzalutamide and abiraterone. These findings require large-scale prospective validation.